copbait1.txt * Gay porn from the '60s. * PRISON-BOUND TEEN FUCKER RAPED BY COPS The bolt of lightning ripped through the sky, giving Cal a small glimpse of the road ahead. Ted, sitting close to Ronny, felt the young boy shake as the thunder roared through the dark night. Cal - at the wheel of the car - kept cursing softly as he peered through the streaked windshield, trying to keep the car at an even speed; still, the storm was getting worse, and the rain was now so thick that he couldn't see more than twenty feet ahead of him. Ted wasn't bothered by the storm. He kept eyeing the kid sitting next to him in the back seat. He felt the steel handcuffs that held him as much a prisoner to the boy as the boy was to him. They'de left late, not thinking of the storm, and now that the car was going so slowly, Ted knew it would be near midnight before they reached the jailhouse. But that didn't bother him. After all, this kid Ronny was the hottest punk he'd had cuffs on in his career. Nor was he concerned with the crime Ronnie was charged with either. Nope. The disturbing thing was the too-handsome look of the young punk. Punk he was, too. Usual run-of-the-mill type that you read about in the papers: roaming the streets, looking for snort, cash, fast fucks and thrills. Well, at 18, it seemed to the cop that Ronny had found more than his share of thrills, that is, until he was caught. Rape. Mean charge. Gotta prosecute. Taking short glimpses of the boy, Ted couldn't understand why the kid had taken so many chances. A guy with his looks and build could have made out with raping older women! Hell - there were enough hungry cunts around to take care of a handsome kid like that! And the kid was really well-stacked, too. Must have caught a lot of attention from hundreds of chicks, as well as men. Kids that handsome weren't rare, but there was something WILD about this Ronny that put him in a class by himself. Meek enough now - no where near as brave as he'de acted in court - this kid knew he was in for it now. Prison is tough on good looking kids, the cop thought. His asshole will be ripped open by morning. Too bad. Hate to see a first conviction this good lookin' have to go through all that. Ted pulled out his pack of cigarettes, offering one to the kid. Ronny took it and let it dangle from the corner of his mouth. Ted lit a match and brought it to the boy's cigarette. The light was enough to show him how very blond the kid was, with a face that looked almost angellic. Ronny puffed, and Ted kept the match lit, studying the face, until it burned his fingers. He let go, and the dying match fell down directly on the boy's tightly-packed crotch. Ronny gave a jump, pulling his hand to put out the match - but that also pulled on Ted's - and the match had burned out by the time they both grappled his crotch. Ted gave a laugh and lit another match for his own ciggie. "This is gettin' worse and worse!" shouted Carl from the front. "Where are we, anyway?" asked Ted. "Long ways yet. I'm only doing twenty now, seems like for the last hour." Ted grunted, not responding. He kept drawing on his cigarette, exhaling he could best look at the kid from the corner of his eye. The smooth and soft skin of the boy's face gave him a tingle. Ronny was staring ahead, and every time a bolt of lightning came, thunder following, his whole body shook in fear. His eyes were limpid and his lips moist. He finally turned, looking directly at the cop next to him. Their eyes met, and Ronny looked down. "You're in for a surprise, kid", Ted said. Ronny didn't answer. He kept staring at the floor. "Warden Manfield sure hates rapists!", continued Ted. "That's the one thing he can't stand - a guy that goes around raping chicks." Ronny still remained silent. "A good-lookin' kid like you sure must have made out without needin' that. What's wrong with you punks, anyway?" Ronny kept silent, not moving, suspecting a pitch was coming in all of this. Ted then turned sideways, facing the boy. Slowly, he brought his right hand to Ronny's thigh, then he pressed hard. Ronny stiffened, trying to pull away. He looked defiantly in Ted's eyes, trying to see their intent through the gloom. But the glow of the dashboard lights wasn't enough to let him really read the cop next him. Now, Ted's hand was at his crotch, the fingers under his balls, the palm rubbing his limp cock through his court-house jeans. "Bet you're proud of what you've got there, kid", the cop offered. "Hey, man, stop it!". Ronny held his body rigid. The young cop laughed, just pressing harder. Ronny felt his cock start to rise at the provocation. With that, Ronny's free hand came forward, grabbing Ted's paw, flinging it off. "Stop it, I said!" "Hey, Ted!", cried Cal. "I can't see a fuckin' thing!" "Then pull up somewhere. "I think I better." The car slowed, then bumped several time in what seemed to be ruts as Cal brought it to a stop under a clump of trees. The rain seemed just as relentless as he shut off the engine and killed the headlights. Without the motion forward, they seemed locked in their own little world, close, removed from everything but each other. Cal let out a deep breath and then turned, looking into the gloom of the back seat. "Well, how's the kid behaving, Ted?", he asked, smiling. "Climb over, Cal, and we'll both keep him company." Cal did, settling on the other side of Ronny, with just enough space to keep the three bodies an inch from each other. "This kid's real proud of his pecker, Cal", the older cop said. "Real proud - 'nuff so, he wants nothin' better than goin' around fucking every cunt he meets. Whata ya think?" "One thing's sure," replied Cal. "There's no cunt where he's goin'." "Yeh. Well, put your handcuff on his other wrist. This rain ain't gonna let up. We're in for a long one. Just in case. . ." "OK!" Now, both Ronny's wrist were shackled - one on each cop - and his body tensed. Silence. Ted turned to face the boy, as he did, Cal also turned. In the gloom, Ronny could see neither cop was wearing a wedding ring. "Well, partner, you say you want fresh meat. Here it is. And it sure the fuck don't get any fresher! Let's go for it. . ." With that, Ted raised his left leg, quickly bringing it down between Ronny's, pulling the kids tense legs apart. Cal followed suit, pulling Ronny's left leg close between his own. The boy's rigid body began to shake. His legs spread wide and held hard by both cops, his hands in handcuffs and no match for the burly arms holding them hard against the seat. Again, Ted's hand was quickly on his crotch, kneading it, pleading with it. Ronny's cock began to rise under the relentless assault. "Come on, guys, don't do THAT!"